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Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


 Cast :  

               Serendipity is a romantic comedy genre film, released in 2001. The film stars John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale as the main star. The story was written by Marc Klein and Peter Chelsom as a director. Alan Silvestri also support this film as an original music composer.

               This story begins when Jonathan Trager (John Cusack) meets Sara Thomas (Kate Beckinsale) in the peak Christmas shopping season in New York City. At a Bloomingdale's store they tried to buy a similar glove. From there they began to be interested and despite the fact they already have a fiance respectively, this love began as a coincidence. They also went to eat ice cream in an ice-cream shop called Serendipity 3 together and after that they said goodbye while doing an exchange. However, both realize that they left something in the ice-cream shop. Finally they decided to return to the ice-cream shop and by chance they met again.


               Given this is a fate. They met by chance again and again. They consider this not just a coincidence but it is a destiny that brought them. Finally, they decided to go out of town and ends in Central Park. On the second night, they decided to take that next step. When Jonathan was in at the Flys, Jonathan suggested exchanging phone numbers. Sara then wrote down his phone number, but Flys go as fast as the wind. Sara is determined by the fate that they must let fate to control their future. Jonathan begged to have her phone number. Sara asks Jonathan to write your name and phone number on paper $ 5, while Sara wrote it inside a copy of a book. If they are destined to be together, they would be found the books and papers $ 5, and they will find their way to each other.

                 Jonathan was not satisfied with this so they go in a hotel with 23 floors and into a different elevator to see if they both choose the same floor. They each took a single from the pair of gloves they buy. They both hit the floor 23, but the child gets in the elevator with Jonathan and pressing all the buttons, so late when he reaches the floor 23. They think they lose each other forever.
Almost 7 years later, Jonathan is in an engagement party with his fiancee Buchanan Halley (Bridget Moynahan). On the same day, Sara went home to search for Hammond Lars (John Corbett), a musician famous new age, proposed to her. As their wedding date approaches, they find themselves with a case of cold feet, and decided to return to New York in an attempt to find each other again.

            Sara was so, he continues to look for Jonathan in where ever he visited with Jonathan. Eventually he intends to give up to find Jonathan. But, by chance Sara hears that Jonathan did not get married with her fiance. Sara finally determined to return to find Jonathan. He then left his jacket in a garden chair. Jonathan, meanwhile, is hanging around Central Park. He found Sara's jacket and used it as a pillow when he was lying. As the first snowflake drops, another pair of gloves floated into him and he saw Sara. They introduced themselves to each other formally for the first time. The film ends with Sara and Jonathan at Bloomingdales enjoy champagne on their birthday in the same place where they first met.

source : www.google.com picture serendipity

    Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

    Diet Pisang

    Hola.. holaaa.... ada yg punya masalah kelebihan berat badan... ini nieh ada tips nya untuk mengurangi berat badan kitaaa...  Saat ini metode Diet Pisang sangat terkenal dan di gemari oleh orang- orang di seluruh dunia, terutama Jepang. Inilah negara penggagas metode diet pisang ini. *yangakutahusihbegitu
    disimak yaa metode diet pisang ini kaya gimana ....

                     pertama, dalam diet pisang ini kita harus memakan pisang sebanyak 5 buah setiap harinya. pagi dengan 2 buah pisang, siang juga dengan 2 buah pisang dan sore dengan 1 buah pisang. Lakukan hal ini selama 3 bulan berturut- turut. Jika kita menjalaninya secara teratur, dijamin berat badan kita akan berkurang sebanyak 6 sampai 7 kg. Dalam hal ini, kita tidak boleh makan nasi atau mie sampai metodenya bekerja.  Penggantinya adalah sayur- sayuran, buah- buahan, dan minum air putih sebanyak 2 liter setiap hari.  satu hal lagi yang terpenting adalah kita berolahraga. Berolahraga adalah suatu hal yang penting dalam kita menjalankan diet. Hal ini di perlukan agar kulit kita tidak bergelambir pada saat kita langsing. Lemak- lemak akan habis terbakar dan alhasil kulit yang elastis yang biasa menampung banyak lemak-lemak tubuh menjadi kendur. Hindari makan malam juga, karena pada saat malam hari kerja usus dan lambung kita terhenti,hal ini menimbulkan makanan tidak tercerna dengan sempurna. Jadi, usahakan untuk tidak makan di atas jam 5 sore.

    Tetapi disini aku juga ingin berbagi info, bahwa untuk orang- orang yang mempunyai penyakit maag, tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengikuti diet pisang ini. Pisang mempunyai sumber energi dan karbohidrat pengganti nasi tetapi untuk orang yang penderita maag hal ini akan memicu produksi asam lambung yang berlebih.  Satu hal lagi bahwa kita tidak bisa menyangkal bila ada seseorang yang berkata bahwa orang- orang Indonesia tidak akan merasa kenyang bila belum memakan nasi,  khusus untuk kita yang terbiasa seperti itu sebaiknya melakukan diet pisang ini secara bertahap. karena mungkin sebagian orang akan merasa lemas karena kandungan energi dan karbohidrat nya tidak sesuai yang kita butuhkan. Pisang mempunyai kadar energi dan karbohidrat tetapi kandungannya tidak bisa di samakan dengan nasi.

                   Nah, untuk orang- orang yang ingin mencoba Diet Pisang ini, kenali dulu diri anda sanggup atau tidak, karena jika kita tidak mampu dan kita paksakan, hal ini hanya akan menyakiti diri kita sendiri. Diet itu untuk kesehatan kita tetapi, Lakukan diet dengan cara yang baik dan benar sesuai petunjuk. Jangan memaksakan bila kita tidak mampu.

    Catatan untuk kalian : Ibuku selalu bilang, kelebihan berat badan itu tidak apa- apa, asal jangan overload.
                                      Tetap percaya diri dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kalian punya sekarang dan jangan
                                      coba berdiet dengan obat pelangsing jika tidak sesuai petunjuk dokter.

    SEHAT ITU BERAWAL DARI HATI KITA YANG SEHAT LOHH !!!.. selamat mencoba .. (^_^)..

    sumber : www.wikipedia.org

    Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

    My Motivations, Challenges and Expectations Learning English

                 I have a dream, if only I could languages around the world could I have many friends from all over the world and have the opportunity to travel around the world. That is my dream from childhood to the present. Being someone who can master many languages in the world is someone who is great, because not everyone can be like that. I was born in Indonesia who has a lot of language and the language of my country, my second language is English. I'm very interested in English because English is the language of the world.

                  I was born from a simple family. I was the first child and I have a younger brother. I was also the first granddaughter in my family. That's very proud. Maybe in my family, there are rarely fluent in English. I also have Chinese blood but unfortunately I can not speak Chinese. My mother always motivates me that I should master the English language. In addition to easier find a job, English is also able to deliver us to the world. I aspire to be teachers and I also want to work in television, and all it takes English as its first modals. I like envy to see people who speak fluent English and therefore I'm motivated to be able to master the English language correctly. And one of my dreams for this is to go and visit the UK. I want to change the family economy to be better than ever and I want my family proud. i will show that I was to be master the languages around the world, especially English.

                   The hardest thing is learning English Grammar. From childhood I always get bad grades in grammar. For me it was very difficult. But I will never surrender, I will continue to strive to be able to master grammar. To speak English is not too heavy for me. Because at home sometimes I like to talk in English with my family especially my mother. For the outside I rarely speak English because at the moment not many high school friends who can speak English. I sometimes feel nervous speaking in front of the class and it made me forget all the sentences in English. Maybe I should keep practicing to not nervous so I could speak English fluently.

                    I hope that in four years I graduated from college with the best value in the field of English Literature, and after that I could work in a place that I want. I can to be a master the English language and after that I began to master other languages in the world and realize what I aspire for this. One more important thing is that I will never again get bad grades for Grammar. Nothing is impossible in this world, so it means I must continue to strive to realize all my dreams.

    Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

    ^IKLAN^ DANGDUT MIE - Goyangkan Lidahmu Dengan Dangdut Mie


    Haii Friends... hanya untuk pemberitahuan saja.. iklan ini tidak untuk di komersilkan karena iklan ini di buat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah bahasa iklan saja.  Ayo coba di lihat yoo..  berhubung koneksi nya sedang tidak memadai.. aku sediakan link di bawah ini untuk melihat iklannya.. TERIMAKASIH...


    Iklan Dangdut Mie ini di buat oleh :

    # Ririen Putri Rakhmayanty
    # Wahyu Cahyaningsih
    # Eka Putri Noviyanty
    # Hikmah Nur Febriana
    # Dina Anggraeni